All That Glitters…
With the international devastation, which continues around the Globe, the need for preparation and self-sufficiency has never been more apparent. For over 6,000 years, holding gold coins has been the ultimate financial protection against the greed, mistakes or stupidity of others. Gold produces nothing but protects all. Gold is an objective value. It cannot be printed, artificially inflated or deflated, meaningfully manipulated or mis-valued on perception.
As the continued upheaval in the American financial markets have shown, the paper economies of the world have proven to be incredibly fragile – and the dollar is proving not to be immune. Although having gained in value sharply over the past few years, with gold at today’s levels, the opportunity is still within your grasp and remains a great value in your quest to protect your future with the ownership of gold. Whether your interest lies with our International Collection, or the highly sought after American dream coins, certified by the experts – We can fulfill your needs!
The historical importance of owning gold coins is well known and the greatest opportunity for diversification exists today by adding historical, collectible gold and silver coins to your holdings. This may be the most affordable “insurance” you’ll ever own and Kettle Moraine Ltd. offers one of the largest selections of coinage in the world, with a vast selection of American and international gold issues, which affords you the opportunity to acquire a wonderfully diversified holding of quality gold coins at exceptional value.
Whether you choose to acquire silver for everyday use in the uncertain economy of the future, or just wish to hold the security of gold & silver to provide for the future of your loved ones – Kettle Moraine Ltd. will conduct business at competitive cost and in the strictest of privacy. Consider the examples contained within our web-site – and contact us for a private consultation.
Don’t buy the sizzle of that steak until you understand the cost! In other words, don’t buy the bull being dispensed by the ‘rare coin‘ pitchmen on the alternative media, until you understand the full story. I have been a purveyor of wealth protection gold and silver bullion and rare, collectible coins for over thirty years, and my personal experience reaches back to 1958.
Kettle Moraine Ltd. offers the most private, non-confiscable gold and silver coinage in the world – at very competitive cost and we take personal pride in putting your interests ahead of all else. After all – it’s your money!
To hear the whole story (not the hard-sell), you are invited to call Kettle Moraine Ltd. at 602-799-8214 for the truth about Protecting Your Wealth! Whatever your reasons for purchasing gold or silver, we are proud to serve your needs.
[Got physical… close at hand?]
Let’s do something about that…
Kettle Moraine, Ltd.
P.O. Box 579
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
602 – 799 – 8214
Email us at [email protected]
~ the Author ~
A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has been broadcasting for nearly three decades as host of various radio-satellite and internet based programs and has been considered the voice of reason on the alternative media – providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as your Financial, Physical, and Spiritual well-being, education, news, Federal and local legislative issues, which will affect our future, political satire (with a twist), and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history.
Jeffrey is the founder and CEO of Kettle Moraine, Ltd. Publications, which is the host and developer of numerous websites, including the Metropolis Café, Dr. Kelley’s Victory Over Cancer, Sierra Madre Precious Metals and The Federal Observer – a daily on-line publication, which co-authored and spear-headed a petition, which ultimately caused new legislation to be signed by President George W. Bush within 450 days of the events that rocked our world on September 11, 2001.
Tune in to Perspectives on America at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), each Tuesday through Thursday on Republic Broadcasting Network. Jeffrey Bennett, host of the program, shares over 66 years of his personal experience in the precious metals markets, in addition to educational commentary regarding YOUR financial health and welfare.
We’re out diggin’ up some more goods – and we’ll back soon with more G R E A T Buys!

Pannin’ fer Goods!