Gold and Latin: Twin Pillars of Western Rejuvenation

Gold Coinage of the Latin Monetary Union

After Brexit, there has been a growing number of voices within the European Union and among various nationalistic groups arguing that English should be replaced as the official language since now only Ireland and Malta retain English.

The loudest quarter calling for a change has come from the French who, not surprisingly, want their own tongue to become the lingua franca of the EU. Eric Zemmour, a French conservative commentator, asserts, “I think this is the time to launch a counter-offensive in favour of French, to recall that French was the original language of EU institutions.”*

A return to French, however, has its difficulties with other nationalist groups particularly those from the EU’s dominant economic power, Germany.

An interesting and most logical solution to the seemingly intractable problem has been suggested by an article in the magazine Le Figaro,** which calls for a return to Latin as the EU’s lingua franca.

Why Latin?
A return to Latin makes the most sense since the Romance languages of the EU nations – Italy, France, Spain – developed out of Latin, and the Germanic tongues contain a large amount of Latin words in their vocabularies. It would thus be relatively easy to bring back Latin as an international language.

Latin has a long and successful history stretching back to Antiquity as the language of law, commerce, science, and religion. Latin fostered social cohesion among ethnic groups and cultures while it facilitated the exchange of ideas and customs.

While Latin is par excellence a lingua franca, an international monetary system based on gold would accomplish many of the same benefits for the economies of Europe (and for that matter the world) that Latin has done for communications and interrelations. Many of the same arguments which have been applied to Latin can be used for a metallic monetary order.

Why gold?
A one-world commodity standard allows for integration and the extension of the division of labor since all prices are expressed in terms of gold/silver. Costs, too, would be calculated in terms of one general medium of exchange which makes economies more efficient. National currencies, fully backed and redeemed in gold, would do away with the cumbersome exchange ratios which currently exist.

Just as important, a monetary order based on a gold standard would make it extremely difficult for governments and central banks to inflate the currencies which ultimately leads to the dreaded boom and bust cycle. The inability to create “money out of thin air” would reduce governments’ debt-creation powers since central banks could no longer monetize debt by simply printing money and expanding credit.

With an inexhaustible supply of paper money that can fund and underwrite any state project, government power and control over the economy and social life has grown exponentially once the gold standard was eliminated. A world on a gold standard would reduce state power. The vast social engineering schemes and war making capacity have been made possible through unrestrained money printing and debt creation.

If the nations of Europe would adopt a gold standard, it would attract foreign capital since creditors would be assured that their investments would not be debased through inflation. Domestic savings, too, would sizably increase which would generate an authentic economic boom based on wealth generated not by money printing, but through the abstention of consumption – savings.

Gold and Latin are both “natural” mediums which do not require state largesse and involvement for their use. Artificial monolithic political constructs like the EU and monetary institutions like the IMF and World Bank, which are nothing less than engines of inflation, are unnecessary under a monetary order based on gold.

It would be difficult to deny that gold and Latin did not possess Providential qualities. The amount of gold in the world and its inherent qualities have made it the “perfect” medium of exchange. Its supply is not too plentiful nor too scare while its qualities – durable, portable, divisible – satisfy all the qualities that a money requires.

That Rome and its language would rise and become the greatest empire to have existed which paved the way for the spread of Christianity and the development of European civilization is not by happenstance. Latin bounded Rome and its provinces together no matter how far apart geographically and culturally. Some authors have noted that the appearance of the Savior came at the time of the Pax Romana – “the Roman Peace” – which provided the perfect conditions to accomplish His mission.

While modern man vainly seeks to create unity through the dictates of the State with its countless laws and regulatory agencies to enforce them, there exists institutions and gifts of nature which if used can provide a natural universality. For a just social order to be attained, the most sublime human language must once again return to its place of prominence while the most honest and efficient money ever used must again become the world’s general medium of exchange.

* Tyler Durden, French Call to Replace English with Latin as Europe’s Official Language, Zero Hedge, 17 March 2021.

** Et si la langue officielle de l’Union européenne devenait… le latin?

Written for and published by The Burning Platform ~ April 8, 2021

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About admin

Please allow me to introduce myself; I am Jeffrey Bennett, President of Kettle Moraine, Ltd., the parent of Sierra Madre Precious Metals. I have been married for 53 years with two children and four grand-children, a veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), and was host for fifteen years of Perspectives on America on the alternative airwaves, covering such subjects as, health and wellness, news, political satire, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history, and Protecting Your Wealth. In early 2018, I took a several month hiatus to complete some family business but returned to airwaves April 17, 2018). At the age of ten, I sat in a bank-vault in the Citizens Bank of Mukwanago, Wisconsin with my grandfather going through bags of old American Peace dollars, hand-selecting each coin as dated rolls of 20 coins were carefully put together and rolled. Learning of the history of these beautiful pieces of Americana, I asked my grand-father, "Why are we doing this?" to which he replied, "Because someday they are going to do the same thing with the silver in our money that, that (S.O.B.) Roosevelt did with gold in 1933." It took only six-years for his prediction to come to pass at the hands of a disciple of Roosevelt's... and what will a Federal Reserve 'dollar' purchase today - and what will that old 90% Silver Peace Dollar purchase? Although at the age of ten, there was little understanding of the meaning of it all, over the next half-century I became well-versed on the subject matter. During this summer of my education, I began to purchase silver coins as a collector and some small, international gold coins two years later - not an easy feat in the shadow of the Roosevelt confiscatory policies of 1933. Although those policies remained in effect until the mid-1970's, it was not until 1991 that I found that one could make a living providing precious metals and collectible, historic numismatic coins to a willing and concerned clientele. It was also during that year, that I began a relationship with one of the first Trust companies to give the public access to gold and silver as part of an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) - and Kettle Moraine, Ltd., founded in 1995, but have ceased providing service due the the intense change-over of the provider. In November 2011, after a 15 month broadcast on another network, I returned to the airwaves with my then revamped program, Life, Liberty & All That Jazz, and for over 28 years, I have been proud to serve the family of listeners of my numerous broadcast programs for physically-held precious metals for investors and collectors alike. On March 23, 2020 I launched my brand new - appropriately named program, The Edge of Darkness on the Republic Broadcasting Network, and thus continue to  remain available to our long time clients and their families. Ah yes - find out what "inter-generational" wealth provision has done for our clients over the past three decades. Don't buy the sizzle of that steak until you understand the cost! In other words, don't buy the bull being dispensed by the 'rare coin' pitchmen until you understand the full story. We, at Sierra Madre Precious Metals, will be proud to serve your needs.
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