Category Archives: The History of it All

Borrowing From Peter to Pay Paul…

…The Wall Street Ponzi Scheme Called Fractional Reserve Banking December 12, 2019 ~ Bernie Madoff showed us how it was done: you induce many investors to invest their money, promising steady above-market returns; and you deliver – at least on … Continue reading

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The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar

To advocate the complete, uninhibited gold standard runs the risk, in this day and age, of being classified with the dodo bird. When the Roosevelt administration took us off the gold standard in 1933, the bulk of the nation’s economists … Continue reading

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Preface ~ The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar

Introduction ~ What you are about to read is one of the most interesting commentaries by Murray N. Rothbard that I have been priviledged to read AND to share read – however – what I am posting this evening – … Continue reading

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How Genghis Khan Is Driving Your Grocery Bill Higher

Over eight hundred years ago, in what is now northwestern China, the Uyghur people – long before they were carted off to internment camps by the Communist Party – ruled their own independent kingdom, known as Qocho. Then, in the … Continue reading

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Is it happening again?

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What is Money?

Money is supposed to be representative of all the goods and services that the country has produced in an entire year. A “buck” is referred to as a “buck” because in the early days of American money, a dollar was … Continue reading

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How Governments Killed the Gold Standard

The historical embodiment of monetary freedom is the gold standard. The era of its greatest flourishing was not coincidentally the 19th century, the century in which classical liberal ideology reigned, a century of unprecedented material progress and peaceful relations between … Continue reading

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The Future for Fiat

The day of reckoning for unproductive credit is in sight. With G7 national finances spiraling out of control, debt traps are being sprung on all of them, with the sole exception of Germany. Malinvestments of the last fifty years are … Continue reading

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What Could a Dollar Buy You in the 1920s?

Even though inflation is a hot topic these days, it’s been around forever. Not all prices rise at the same rate, though, so it’s fun to see what prices were like generations ago. By looking at prices from way back … Continue reading

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Ayn Rand’s Hymn To Money

Gold Money Is the Root of All Good; Paper Money Is the Root of All Evil ~ A Blueprint for a New Gold Coin Standard ~ Millions of people who have read Ayn Rand’s 1957 monumental work “Atlas Shrugged” must … Continue reading

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