What the Jobs Report Means for 2024

The conventional wisdom about Friday’s disappointing jobs data was that there was a little something for everyone. And, for once… the conventional wisdom is right…

They are called ‘Blow‘ – Jobs Joey!

The headline jobs number fell below Wall Street’s expectations, suggesting a softening of the labor market. The average workweek slipped as well, which is often the first sign of an employment downturn. Employers tend to reduce hours of their workforce before they start actually sending out the pink slips.

On the surface, this is bad news for the Biden campaign, which has hitched its wagon to the far-flung notion that the Biden presidency has been a blessing for the American economy. Weakening job growth makes that a harder sell – as would the spread of labor strife from Hollywood to the UAW.

Below the surface, however, this might be a boon for Biden. A quick glance at any public opinion poll shows that inflation is regarded as the number one problem facing the United States. And for very good reason: we are living in the worst stretch of inflation in generations. A softening labor market could both directly ease inflation pressures and be evidence of an anti-inflationary reduction in the growth of aggregate demand. Anything that brings down inflation is no doubt welcome news to the Biden camp.

That’s especially true if the softening of the labor market does not become something much worse. So far, that’s been the case. The unemployment rate has stayed very low. In fact, it ticked down to 3.5 percent in July from June’s 3.7 percent. It has remained in a range of 3.4 percent to 3.7 percent for 17 months – something it hasn’t done for over 15 years.

The public is not giving Biden much credit for the strength of the jobs market, according to most surveys. That’s quite reasonable because unemployment was also extremely low pre-pandemic, when Donald Trump occupied the White House. Perhaps more importantly, the strength of the labor market has made “jobs” a far less important political issue than it was in the years following the Great Recession, when unemployment was stubbornly high.

To the extent that this is a long-term change in the U.S. economy – and we think it probably is – politicians will have to adjust their policies and rhetoric to move from emphasizing “job creation” and focus on other economic issues such as supply chain security, ample energy, shared prosperity and broader opportunity, and family formation, which also encompasses the perennial issues of housing costs, affordable health care, and student debt.

Inflationary Hazard Lights Flashing
There’s also the matter of wages. The average hourly wage rose 0.4 percent in July compared with a month earlier. Year-over-year, wages are up 4.4 percent. This too cuts at least two ways politically.

On the one hand, it likely means that wage growth beat inflation in July. The consumer price index (CPI), which will be released next week, is likely to be up by less than the wage growth on an annual basis. The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s inflation Nowcast has year-over-year CPI rising 3.4 percent. Its month-to-month figure matches wage growth at 0.4 percent, and Wall Street’s consensus is that it will be lower than that. Bank of America forecasts 0.2 percent inflation for the month.

The Biden campaign has already been touting the fact that in recent months wages have risen faster than inflation. On a longer timeline, this is not true. Wages are playing catch-up after prices exploded higher last year. But catching up is better than not catching up, and it’s a fine enough talking point for politics.

On the other hand, the Fed is likely to look at this wage growth as a warning sign that the economy may still be overheating. Both the month-to-month and year-over-year figures are too high to be consistent with the Fed’s two percent inflation goal. What’s more, the figures suggest that instead of cooling off, wage growth is accelerating.

This raises two dangers. The first is that inflation itself could accelerate as higher wages feed into more consumer spending power, pushing prices up. With the public extremely concerned about inflation already – and extremely unhappy with the Biden administration’s management of inflation – this could be politically fatal. It could even prompt Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) to mount a challenge to Biden in the primaries or even a third-party run on the platform of anti-inflationary fiscal austerity. Certainly, Biden’s Republican rival will run hard against rising inflation.

The second danger is that accelerating wage pressure is likely to be seen by the Fed as a reason for precautionary rate hikes. Since the market has pretty much priced in the idea that we’re at peak rates, this could be calamitous for stocks and risk assets. Further hikes might also snuff out the nascent housing recovery and reignite the manufacturing downturn. There’s a significant chance that the Fed might raise rates enough to push the economy into a recession – in fact, it might have to do so to get inflation under control. An election-year recession would obviously be very bad for Biden.

RELATED: Biden’s Economic Approval a ‘Head-Scratcher’ — But Inflation Is ‘Still Way Up’ from Two Years Ago


Recession Is Still a Risk
We spent the first half of this year out of consensus by being bullish on the economy, pushing back against the idea that the economy was likely to fall into a recession instantly. Now the consensus has stampeded in the other direction, all but ruling out a recession due to the blessing of immaculate disinflation and the soft-landing. We’re still out of the consensus here. A recession still looks likely next year, although maybe not until later in the year.

The last time unemployment ran this low for this long was November 2007…

One month later, the recession began.

Written for and published by Breitbart Business Digest ~ August 4, 2023

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About admin

Please allow me to introduce myself; I am Jeffrey Bennett, President of Kettle Moraine, Ltd., the parent of Sierra Madre Precious Metals. I have been married for 53 years with two children and four grand-children, a veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), and was host for fifteen years of Perspectives on America on the alternative airwaves, covering such subjects as, health and wellness, news, political satire, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history, and Protecting Your Wealth. In early 2018, I took a several month hiatus to complete some family business but returned to airwaves April 17, 2018). At the age of ten, I sat in a bank-vault in the Citizens Bank of Mukwanago, Wisconsin with my grandfather going through bags of old American Peace dollars, hand-selecting each coin as dated rolls of 20 coins were carefully put together and rolled. Learning of the history of these beautiful pieces of Americana, I asked my grand-father, "Why are we doing this?" to which he replied, "Because someday they are going to do the same thing with the silver in our money that, that (S.O.B.) Roosevelt did with gold in 1933." It took only six-years for his prediction to come to pass at the hands of a disciple of Roosevelt's... and what will a Federal Reserve 'dollar' purchase today - and what will that old 90% Silver Peace Dollar purchase? Although at the age of ten, there was little understanding of the meaning of it all, over the next half-century I became well-versed on the subject matter. During this summer of my education, I began to purchase silver coins as a collector and some small, international gold coins two years later - not an easy feat in the shadow of the Roosevelt confiscatory policies of 1933. Although those policies remained in effect until the mid-1970's, it was not until 1991 that I found that one could make a living providing precious metals and collectible, historic numismatic coins to a willing and concerned clientele. It was also during that year, that I began a relationship with one of the first Trust companies to give the public access to gold and silver as part of an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) - and Kettle Moraine, Ltd., founded in 1995, but have ceased providing service due the the intense change-over of the provider. In November 2011, after a 15 month broadcast on another network, I returned to the airwaves with my then revamped program, Life, Liberty & All That Jazz, and for over 28 years, I have been proud to serve the family of listeners of my numerous broadcast programs for physically-held precious metals for investors and collectors alike. On March 23, 2020 I launched my brand new - appropriately named program, The Edge of Darkness on the Republic Broadcasting Network, and thus continue to  remain available to our long time clients and their families. Ah yes - find out what "inter-generational" wealth provision has done for our clients over the past three decades. Don't buy the sizzle of that steak until you understand the cost! In other words, don't buy the bull being dispensed by the 'rare coin' pitchmen until you understand the full story. We, at Sierra Madre Precious Metals, will be proud to serve your needs.
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