A MASSIVE Financial Collapse Is Coming That Will Destroy Everyone’s Assets

It has yet to be fully unveiled, but the United States has been robbed blind by the powers that be, which have underwritten Americans’ financial assets as collateral for the coming pop of the derivative and financial bubble.

Quietly outside of public view, those in control have made a series of regulatory changes preceding the coming collapse that basically dispossessed the American people of all our property. Most Americans have no idea this happened, but when the rubber meets the road, they will learn in an instant that their lives and futures have been stolen from them.

Paul Craig Roberts unpacked the issue in a three-part series called “The Great Dispossession” that the bubble will, in fact, pop. It is not a matter of if it will pop, but rather when it reaches its inevitable limit.

“The Fed suddenly and rapidly moved from zero to 5% interest rates, a reversal of the policy that drove up prices of stocks and bonds,” Roberts explains, citing the work of David Rogers Webb.

“The Fed raises rates by reducing money supply growth, thus removing the factor supporting high stock prices and collapsing the value of bonds. This results in a lowering of the value of stocks and bonds serving as collateral for loans, which, of course, means the loans and the financial institution behind them are in trouble. Bonds have already taken a hit. The stock market is holding because participants believe the Fed is about to reverse its interest rate policy and lower rates.”

The Biggest Bubble Pop Ever

Prior to the great stock market crash of 1929, the velocity of circulation took a precipitous fall. This means the number of times a dollar is spent during a given period of time decreased dramatically, which destabilized the markets.

The private Federal Reserve tries to manage this process to prevent such crashes, but the reality of fractional-reserve banking is that there will always be booms and busts due to the corrupt nature of fiat currency, which is not real money.

What happened in the leadup to 1929 is once again happening today. The 21st century as a whole is marked by a long-term drop in velocity of circulation, which is currently at the lowest level on record.

Meanwhile, stocks and real estate have been driven up to sky-high prices well beyond what they are actually worth in real terms. When the bubble pops, it will be the biggest bubble pop ever, producing unprecedented dispossession and economic collapse.

“When after more than a decade of near zero interest rates, the Fed raises interest rates it collapses the values of financial portfolios and real estate and produces a financial crisis,” Roberts says.

“As the authorities have set in place a system that bails out secured creditors with our bank deposits, stocks and bonds, we will have no money and no financial assets to sell for money. People with mortgaged homes and businesses will lose them, as they did in the 1930s, when they lost their money due to bank failures. People with car payments will lose their transportation. The way the system works is you lose your money but not your debts.”

You can expect more bank collapses, which will mean the loss of your deposits. The federal insurance program will not recoup whatever you lose because, as previously mentioned, all deposits have been turned into collateral for creditors.

“It has all happened before, but not on the scale of what is pending,” Roberts warns.

Written by Ethan Huff for Natural News ~ April 19, 2024

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