The Beatings Must Continue

Everything great in the world is done by neurotics; they alone founded our religions and created our masterpieces. ~ Marcel Proust

I had a professor in college who always said, “It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

My father died thinking that the worst thing in the world were socialist democrats like FDR and Obama.

He was distracted into thinking that way, much the same way that our nation was led to believe Oswald killed Kennedy. That way you see, whether it’s socialist democrats or crazed gunman, we all have a villain. Someone to pin all of our troubles on. In the meantime, the real bad guys escape responsibility and thus the plan works.

I used to believe that socialist/ democrat nonsense too until I realized the real culprit – the real source of all of our taxing problems, credit problems, government confiscation of real property via property tax- has been the Federal Reserve, it’s member banks, and all of the tertiary banking entities that our monstrosity of a banking system has created… and we have a 77,000 page tax code to prove just how insane it has become.

You know how I culled the real villains from this story? I figured it out when I discovered that FDR not only confiscated all of our gold – he made it illegal to own. What was government protecting us from? Was gold giving us cancer or birth defects? Why was gold outlawed? It’s just a harmless metal not some drug that makes us crash cars and beat women. Gold was outlawed because we were on the gold standard in 1933 and the central bank had fucked our country up so badly in just a mere 16 years – from 1913 to 1929 – that the only solution was to illegally confiscate, yes seize, gold – control it’s quantity and revalue it. In that way, government could lie about how much we had. Once the gold standard was safely under government control we could print all of the paper we wanted and fund all of those stupid projects and put people back to work until WWII broke out.

I believe our fore fathers had the best intentions. They knew a central bank would destroy our country. Many of them spoke about it at great length and in all of those well intended systems – the checks and balances of the 3 branches of government, the electoral college, and the rights of states not to be subjugated by a federal government, the one thing our forefathers did not create was a central bank. They knew the dangers of that.

They knew a central bank would destroy us and it has. It has created a mountain of debt that will never be repaid. They are now taxing us to death trying to keep the final debt curtain call at bay and they must attempt to inflate all of those trillions away. And they distract us with Obamacare taxes, socialist rhetoric, and a plethora of things to hate and keep us distracted from the real culprit in our story- the Federal Reserve Bank and it’s member banks complete with a currency they can create at will with crappy, low interest loans and keystrokes.

The greatest argument I ever had with my father centered on this issue. He believed that socialists and democrats, particularly FDR, ruined this country and while I agree to some extent, the Central Bank was on the scene long before FDR, fueling that disaster which has brought us everything from famine, unemployment, gold confiscation, taxes on virtually everything, and wars.

The facts are there. It is easy to find. All of these assholes we have running around and confiscating our wealth are the cause and effect of one entity. It ain’t rocket science to do the detective work but very few do because they weren’t taught that and they don’t want to believe it – like my dad.

So this whole tax situation we find ourselves in – it’s going to get much worse. The government is going to continue to seize our wealth in greater amounts because there is no other way to keep our current system running without an epic implosion.

It’s a shame my father never figured this out.

Written by Brian for The Civil Libertarian ~ November 4, 2019

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