Heah Come the WOKE Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has expressed a desire to make his institution more aligned with DEI principles. In other words, make the Fed more woke. He also wants to help fight the scam known as ‘climate change’ as well as combat systemic racism, which to the woke is everywhere and in everyone. This is the excuse they use to tear down statues and traditional institutions. Continue reading

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Double Eagle Headlines: April 11, 2024

“Is gold any good as a currency?”
The idea behind a gold standard is that a currency becomes tied to a commodity with a stable value. The great problem with this is that gold does not have a stable value. Like any other commodity, its relative value goes up and down. For instance, in September 2022, US dollar milk prices were rising over 16%. In gold terms milk prices were rising over 23% – dangerously high inflation.

Gold-backed currencies experience both inflation and deflation with volatile economic cycles, as demand for liquidity and the value of gold shift relative to other commodities swing about. A gold-backed currency is no guarantee of price or economic stability.

Meanwhile, the price of gold has surged… (Continue to full article)

The Gold Price Is Up Nearly 19% in This Rally…
But You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet!

Although Western investors continue to ignore gold even as prices continue to hit record highs, they are no longer actively getting in the way of higher prices, which means the current rally has legs to run higher, according to one market analyst.

In an interview with Kitco News, Robert Minter, Director Of Investment Strategy at abrdn, said that gold’s rally to record highs above $2,350 an ounce is just getting started, and it’s only a matter of time before retail investors jump into gold-backed exchange-traded funds to kick off the next major leg higher.

If you were a prudent central bank fund manager in some of these countries, you would diversify away from the dollar to reduce your risk, plain and simple… (Continue to full article)

No Bank Is Safe, Implosion Coming: ‘EVERY Single Bank Is Insolvent!
A little more than a year since the March 2023 banking crisis, when the U.S. saw three of the four largest bank failures in its history, the banking sector is arguably even more vulnerable.

They’ve been buying up all of this government debt with interest rates at zero or even negative. Now that the interest rates are pushed up to quote-unquote fight inflation, all the valuation of that debt is way underwater. It’s not just commercial real estate,” she said. “If the valuations of all the banks, including the central banks, are based on debt, which they are because the entire system is based on debt. Those interest rates have pushed down the market valuations of all of that debt.

What will the next banking crisis look like, and what are the triggers?… (Continue to full article)

Gold Is Rallying Again, But Silver Could Get REALLY Interesting
Another week, another record high for gold.

On Wednesday, the monetary metal surged above $2,300 per ounce. It took a bit of a breather Thursday ahead of today’s key employment report but it rallied again on Friday.

Turning to silver, it made a significant breakout of its own this week. The white metal shot up above the $27 level to a fresh 2-year high and rallied to over $27.50 on Friday

As gold prices continue to reach new heights, bulls are eying even higher highs. Detractors, meanwhile, are pushing the narrative that gold has gotten too expensive.

They could both turn out to be right, though for different reasons… (Continue to full article)

Grocery Prices Nearing 40 Percent Higher Than In 2019
A $100 grocery haul in 2019 costs almost $140 today — nearly 40 percent more for the same common items, causing consumers to “become creative to cope” with crippling inflation.

According to a Wall Street Journal analysis of NielsenIQ data on the prices of everyday foods such as meat, vegetables, starches, and snacks, Americans are facing a dramatic increase across all categories.

Consumers have been forced to “become creative to cope with a stretch of record food inflation,” choosing cheaper versions of the products they prefer or strategically looking for sales, coupons, and deals… (Continue to full article)

Gold and Silver Surge Higher
Gold and silver continued their run higher, defying predictions of profit-taking. From last Thursday’s close (Friday was Easter and market were closed), gold rose $50 to $2280 in early European trade this morning, after flirting with $2300. That’s a rise of $300 since St Valentine’s Day. And silver traded at $26.60, up nearly 19% over the same time period having traded as high as $27.30. Comex volumes in the silver contract were exceptionally high, but relatively subdued in gold.

The lack of volume in the gold contract together with the recent decline in Open Interest as the price rose strongly into new high ground is mystifying traders. They don’t know who is buying: it certainly isn’t the hedge funds.

Gold’s performance smacks of a massive bear squeeze on one or more bullion banks… (Continue to full article)

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Zimbabwe Launches New Gold-Backed Currency – ZiG

Zimbabwe has introduced a new gold-backed currency called ZiG – the name stands for “Zimbabwe Gold“.

It is the latest attempt to stabilise an economy that has lurched from crisis to crisis for the past 25 years. Continue reading

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US ‘Debt Bomb’ Spirals Towards $35 TRILLION’

Hedge Fund Boss Warns Politicians Are Spending ‘AT THE EXPENSE OF FUTURE GENERATIONS

Hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin has warned that the ‘surging’ US national debt is a ‘growing concern that cannot be overlooked.’

Griffin, who founded and runs Miami-based hedge fund firm Citadel – which had a key role in the Gamestop share frenzy – sounded the alarm in a year-end letter to investors released this week.

‘We must stop borrowing at the expense of future generations,’ he wrote. Continue reading

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A Million Simulations Show US Debt Is on An ‘UNSUSTAINABLE’ Path

The U.S. is almost certainly on an unsustainable path with regard to the astronomic rise in its national debt, according to a million simulations run by Bloomberg.

Bloomberg reported Tuesday that it conducted a million simulations on the U.S. debt outlook and found 88% of them show borrowing is on an “unsustainable path.”

The findings come after a forecast by the Congressional Budget Office that indicates the national debt will grow to an astonishing $54 trillion in the next decade, the result of an aging population and rising federal health care costs. Higher interest rates are also compounding the pain of higher debt.

Payments are expected to triple from nearly $475 billion in fiscal year 2022 to a stunning $1.4 trillion in 2032. By 2053, the interest payments are projected to surge to $5.4 trillion. To put that into perspective, that will be more than the U.S. spends on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all other mandatory and discretionary spending programs. Continue reading

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Why Saudi Arabia’s Futuristic City Is a Sign of Major Inflation to Come

This is critical information if you want to understand the trajectory of inflation.

I’ve been talking about this for a long time: higher oil prices are inflationary. And I think 2024 will be the year that people finally start to realize that the inflation monster has not been slayed. Month after month we see these ‘surprise’ inflation numbers showing prices remain ‘stubbornly high’. It’s not stubborn, it’s just stupid policy… and oil prices have a lot to do with it. Continue reading

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America’s Fiscal Collapse Accelerates

In case you thought anybody in Washington was driving this thing, they are not.

It’s official: the Department of Treasury is now issuing debt at pandemic levels. It’s worth noting the pandemic record was double the previous record, which had stood for 231 years.

In raw numbers, the latest numbers for Q4 2023 show Treasury issued $7 trillion in new debt. For the entire year, it came to $23 trillion. Continue reading

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The Senate Calls Out-of-Control Spending a National Security Threat… Keeps Spending Anyway

Last month, the US Senate passed a resolution saying the over 34 trillion dollars (and growing) national debt threatens national security. A few days later, a bipartisan majority of the Senate voted for a 1.2 trillion dollars spending bill. In addition to the usual increases in war and welfare spending, the bill funds gender transitioning for minors without parental consent and red flag laws, which allow law enforcement to seize an individual’s firearms without due process.

Before passage of the latest spending bill, the Congressional Budget Orifice (CBO) released a report predicting that the national debt would exceed the prior record of 106.4 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2028. Interest payments on the national debt are estimated to reach 870 billion dollars this year, more than the government will spend on the military. The CBO estimates that, unless Congress cuts spending (which is highly unlikely), by 2051 interest on the debt will exceed not just military spending but spending on the two biggest items in the federal budget — Social Security and Medicare. Continue reading

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Utah Formally Empowers State Treasurer to Protect State Funds With Gold and Silver

Utah Governor Spencer Cox has signed legislation explicitly empowering the state treasurer to protect state funds with an allocation to physical gold and silver.

Sponsored by Rep. Ken Ivory, House Bill 348 permits – but does not require – the Treasurer to hold up to 10 percent of certain state reserve accounts in physical gold and silver to help secure state assets against the risks of inflation and financial turmoil and/or to achieve capital gains as measured in Federal Reserve Notes. Continue reading

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Pawn Shop Inventories Are Exploding… as The Failing U.S. Economy Hammers Those At The Bottom Of The Economic Food Chain

How much longer will the Biden administration and the mainstream media continue to deny that we are in the midst of a very painful economic downturn? Debt levels have never been higher, delinquency rates are spiking, the commercial real estate market is crashing, the banking industry is mired in turmoil and large companies are conducting mass layoffs all over the nation. Anyone that attempts to claim that the U.S. economy is in good shape is just being delusional. Unfortunately, it is those that are at the bottom of the economic food chain that are being hurt the most.

If you want to know what is really going on with the economy, pawn shops are a great place to look. Continue reading

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