Introduction ~ BEWARE: The Ide(a)s of ‘Rare Coin’ Dealers

An expose’ of the Pirates of the precious-metals underworld and how you can truly protect your ass-ets – from them!

What you about to read is excerpted from a a series of emails, which I began to receive on the evening of January 18, 2006. Due to another lengthy e-mail exchange, which has took place during October of 2007, and we chose many years ago to re-post this lengthy column – hoping to save others from similar fates.

If you are not familiar with gold and silver or the so-called “Rare Coin” market (which is loosely aligned with it), nor some of the reasons why these goods are sought after all over the world, then this column will have little meaning to you, however it is our intent to educate you as to the pitfalls of what some call, “the Industry“. What follows his inquiry, was my response to him. J.B.

[CONTINUE to the Complete story…]

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Why Governments Can Never Be Run “Like a Business”

The government, federal or otherwise, has no business model because it is not a business. We know this at the outset because government does not compete in the market for people’s money, as every other business must do. With a monopoly of violence, it seizes the money it wants through taxes and monetary inflation. As long as the government doesn’t get carried away by taxing and inflating too much, most people – many of whom call themselves libertarians – regard this setup as necessary. Continue reading

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The Myth of the Unchanging Value of Gold

According to mainstream economics textbooks, one of the primary functions of money is to measure the value of goods and services exchanged on the market. A typical statement of this view is given by Frederic Mishkin in his textbook on money and banking. “[M]oney … is used to measure value in the economy,” he claims. “We measure the value of goods and services in terms of money, just as we measure weight in terms of pounds and distance in terms of miles.” Continue reading

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Snyder: You Will Live In Tiny Homes And Electric Vehicles And Be Happy

THIS Is The Future They Have Planned For Us!!!

In recent years, “van life’, “car life” and “tiny homes” have all become extremely hot topics on social media. Millennials and Generation Z have been particularly eager to try out these “minimalist” lifestyles. At a time when home prices have risen to absurd levels and the cost of living has become exceedingly oppressive, it can be very tempting to adopt a low cost way of life. But it is also important to understand that the elite are very much encouraging these trends.

If they could get most of us happily living in tiny homes and electric vehicles, they would be very pleased. You see, the truth is that the smaller our living spaces are, the less carbon emissions we will produce, and that is precisely what they want. Continue reading

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The Fed Claims the Banking System is “Sound and Resilient” ~ The Banks’ Balance Sheets Say Otherwise

The wordsmiths at the Federal Reserve wisely omitted the line about a “sound and resilient” banking system in its statement on January 31. That same day shares of New York Community Bank plunged when the bank announced a loss of thirty-six cents per share when analysts expected earnings of twenty-seven cents a share for the fourth quarter.

Internal or external auditors occasionally comb through individual loans in a bank’s portfolio and make judgments as to whether those loans are worth what the bank says they are worth due to lower appraised values and other issues either particular to an individual property or the market as a whole. Bankers then, begrudgingly, set aside earnings for potential loan losses. Continue reading

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What is Money? Who Controls Money?

Gold is money! Silver is money! Everything else is credit!

J. P. Morgan famously said this in his testimony before Congress in 1912: “Gold is money. Everything else is credit.”

J. P. Morgan was the founder of JPMorgan Chase & Co., an American multinational financial services company headquartered in New York City. It is the largest bank in the United States and the world’s largest bank by market capitalization as of 2023. Continue reading

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Why the World Economy is in Trouble and WHO Caused It!

What You Should have learned in School and at Home

Mayer Amshel Bauer

In order for you to understand what happened to our economy we have to travel back in time to Frankfurt, Germany. The event is the birth of Mayer Amshel Bauer in 1743 to Moses Bauer who is the owner of a counting house. You may say he is the depiction of Ebeneezer Scrooge. Mayer lived in the Juden Strasse (Jewish Street) where they had a symbol for revolutionary minded Jews which was a red shield that is spelled in German ‘Rot’ – for red and ‘Schild’ – for shield; hence the surname they took Rothschild.

So Mayer Amshel Rothschild became the first to bear the name that symbolized the revolution. Continue reading

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Precious Metals: The BEST Way to Buy

Secrets That Precious Metals and RARE Coin Dealers Don’t Want You to Know

It seems like everywhere you go people are talking about Gold and Silver. Why would people care so much about what some people call a “barbaric relic”? Continue reading

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Paul: Don’t Tax the Rich. End the Fed!

END the Fed!

Select politicians, government officials, economic elites, and experts arriving at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland were greeted with an open letter signed by more than 250 billionaires and millionaires. The signers request their respective governments raise their taxes. Continue reading

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Expect More Currency Destruction and Weak Economies in 2024

Markets closed 2023 with the strongest rally for equities, bonds, gold, and cryptocurrencies in years. The level of complacency was obvious, registering an “extreme greed” level in the Greed and Fear Index.

2023 was also an unbelievably bad year for commodities, particularly oil and natural gas, something that very few would have predicted in the middle of two wars with relevant geopolitical impact and significant OPEC+ supply cuts. It was also a poor year for Chinese equities, despite slower-than-expected but strong economic growth and robust earnings in the large components of the Hang Seng index. Continue reading

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