What Would “Kamalanomics” Do To The U.S. Economy?

“Trust in me and I’ll be there!”

She should have just kept her mouth shut about the economy. I know that sounds harsh, but it is true. The best chance that Kamala Harris had of winning was to stand for nothing. I am being completely serious. For the first few weeks of her campaign, she was being showered with positive coverage by the mainstream media even though she had not come forward with any serious policy proposals.

She could have probably continued doing that all the way to election day in November, but now she has ruined her campaign by telling us what she actually plans to do if she becomes president. As you will see below, even the mainstream media hates her economic plan. Continue reading

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Kamala’s vision…for the most expensive real estate in the world!

KKK: Kamala Kackling Khun…

Just as was predicted recently after the monthly inflation report came out, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris almost immediately went into self-congratulatory mode to brag about how great they are at managing the economy.

As President Biden told a gathering of reporters on Wednesday, “I said we’re gonna have a soft landing. We’re gonna have a soft landing. My policies are working.” He then commanded them to “start writing that way”, and we have no doubt their lackeys in the media will dutifully comply. Continue reading

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It’s the Economy, Again… Stupid!

Photo by Drew ANGERER / AFP

Economic discontent at election time almost always heralds doom for the political party that holds the White House. But the economic malaise that has bedeviled the country throughout the presidency of Joe Biden is likely to weigh even more heavily now that the Democrats are attempting to pass the presidency on to his vice president, Kamala Harris.

While it’s true that inflation has fallen from the worst levels seen in four decades, the annual rate of inflation remains higher than it has been since the economy was staggering from the financial crisis. What’s more, the period of high inflation has lasted longer than any time since the Carter administration, leaving American households reeling from runaway price increases. Continue reading

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Kamalanomics: Worst Inflation Record Since 1977

Consumer prices have soared 20.2 percent since Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden took office 42 months ago, according to the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Americans continue to feel the strain of runaway inflation.

That is the worst inflation record for any president since Jimmy Carter.

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have spent the last three and a half years promoting the same ideas and touting the same economic programs. That’s now seen as a burden for Harris as she tries to distance herself from Biden’s unpopular programs and economy. Continue reading

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U.S. Trilogy: Debt-Based Dollar and Economy, Stablecoin Digital Currency, BRICS New World!

Over a century ago the United States Congress approved a deceitfully promoted Federal Reserve Central Bank, which then established a new debt-based monetary system. Its concept of creating and introducing ever more currency into a country which had little debt, initially worked well to create economic stimulus at the time, and currency available to participate in WWI and WWII. Continue reading

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Kamala Harris’s Inflationary Legacy

Inflation is the gift that keeps on giving – if you’re in the business of writing headlines, that is. For everyone else, especially those navigating the grocery aisles, it’s an unwelcome houseguest that refuses to leave.

And who, you might ask, sent out the invite? Enter Kamala Harris, the vice president who finds herself now inextricably linked to a price surge that’s been as predictable as it’s been painful. Continue reading

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…’Low Inflation’ my Ass-ets!

Sometimes I have to ask myself if the people in charge actually know how to read.

Honestly I’m not entirely sure. Perhaps they know how to read… but they choose not to do so. Because it’s pretty obvious no one is paying attention to the details in the government most recent inflation report, which was just released this morning.

Everyone is cheering the news of 2.9% inflation, which the government said is “the smallest 12-month increase since March 2021”. Continue reading

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The Federal Reserve Does Not Own Gold

…but they OWN and control the Dollar!

Historically — as during the days of the classical gold standard – central banks maintained stocks of gold to facilitate the conversion of gold-backed national currencies. Those days are long gone, but in modern times, many central banks continue to own gold, and many central banks buy gold as part of their open-market operations. For example, in his article last week – ”Central banks purchase gold to offset their own money destruction“ — Daniel Lacalle writes:

The rising purchases of gold by central banks are an essential factor justifying the recent increase in demand for the precious metal. Central banks, especially in China and India, are trying to reduce their dependence on the dollar or the euro to diversify their reserves.

The US’s central bank, the Federal Reserve, is not among these banks buying gold. Continue reading

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This Isn’t The End For The Financial Markets – The Truth Is That This Is Just The Beginning Of The Chaos…

If you are surprised by what is happening in the financial world right now, you probably haven’t been paying much attention. Stock prices were obscenely high and many investors were massively over-leveraged. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted by more than 1,000 points on Monday, and stock prices are still obscenely high and many investors are still massively overleveraged. During the days ahead, we are going to see some wild ups and some wild downs, and this tragedy is going to take some time to fully play out. But without a doubt, we have got a major problem on our hands. Continue reading

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Snyder: Donald Trump Says That A Great Depression Is Coming… He Is Right!

Do you believe Donald Trump? He is entirely convinced that if we stay on the path that we are currently on we are heading into a “great depression”, and many believe that he is right on target. Unemployment is rising, manufacturing activity is contracting, bankruptcies are soaring, home sales have fallen to depressingly low levels, the cost of living crisis never seems to end, poverty is soaring and homelessness is at the highest level ever recorded.

Since Barack Obama first entered the White House, our politicians in Washington have been propping up the economy by adding 25 trillion dollars to the national debt. Now our national debt has crossed the 35 trillion dollar mark, and our politicians continue to spend money at a pace that is absolutely absurd. But despite this tremendous influx of borrowed cash, the wheels are starting to come off the U.S. economy anyway. Continue reading

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