The Enigmatic Legend of the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine

The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine has been the source of intrigue and mystery for treasure seekers for generations. Situated in the forbidding Superstition Mountains of Arizona, the legend of the mine is rooted in tales of immense gold deposits and the tragic fates of those who sought to claim them. The mine, named after the German prospector Jacob Woltz, who reportedly found it in the 19th century, has never revealed its location, keeping its fortune a secret and igniting a fervor of exploratory quests.

The origin of the legend can be traced back to the Peralta family from Mexico, said to have mined gold in the area until their demise at the hands of the Apaches. The narrative intensified when ‘the Dutchman’ Waltz allegedly stumbled upon the Peralta mine with assistance from a family descendent. Continue reading

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What Nixon’s Ghost Can Teach Americans about Using Price Controls to Curb Inflation

Richard Nixon was many things, but he was not a fool; the Nixon tapes show the president fully understood the ramifications of price controls – yet he employed them anyway to help secure reelection.

For the last 2 1/2 years, price inflation has been eating away the paychecks and savings of the public.

Consumer prices are up roughly 20% since 2020, according to consumer price index data, and recent polls show the public believes inflation is the single biggest problem facing the country.

Unfortunately, many are so concerned about inflation that they are advocating “solutions” that would do tremendous damage to the economy and families. Continue reading

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America’s Misery: The Piper Will Be Paid

Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht

Always and again the magic of money presents us with problems. These problems change constantly. Time after time experience teaches us that there is no universally-valid system by means of which monetary problems may be solved. Every new situation demands new deliberations, new measures, new insights, new ideas. Each of these ideas must be informed by and subservient to the sole and single purpose of maintaining the soundness of the currency. ~ Hjalmar Schacht

I’m no economic expert, and it will probably be apparent to those who are, but I damn for sure know that a country cannot keep spending and borrowing money like ours is doing and still expect to thrive for too very much longer. They can spout all their Keynesian Modern Monetary Theory bullshit they want, and at the end of the day, financial trickery and manipulations will only prop our economy up for so long.

I’ve always been the sort to save ten dollars before spending one. Continue reading

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Smith: Killing the American Dream

Bidenomics Has Decimated American Wealth

Some have suggested that the 70s economy under the peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter, was worse, but I don’t see it. Not nearly so many were out of work as there are today – some 106 million – and even as young as I was, I wasn’t without a job from the time I was thirteen and toting shingles for one of our local roofers. Whatever is happening across the board, it’s almost as if some black plague has hit at the heart of our economy and businesses aren’t quite as willing to give new entry level workers as much as a chance as what I witnessed during the 1970s, much of which stems from corporation’s current lack of tolerance for anyone who is unwilling to go along with political correctness and the Woke ideology that’s being forced down everyone’s throat. Continue reading

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We Know the Origin of the Gold Bars Found at Bob Menendez’s House

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) is weathering the political storm that is threatening to destroy his political career. It may seem like one million years ago, but the New Jersey liberal is facing serious corruption charges. It’s not the first time Menendez has faced such allegations, but this one has receipts and solid evidence of potential criminal activity. We have gold bars and at least $500,000 in cash found at his residence; some money was stuffed into clothing. Menendez faces bribery charges, along with acting as a foreign agent. Spencer has more: Continue reading

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Saving America Starts with Rejecting Digital Currency

America in the twenty-first century has been on an accelerating descent not unlike what befell ancient Rome. For some four centuries Rome’s Senate and constitution provided continuity which sustained the Roman Republic through various challenges. But in the end, what befell Rome from barbarian invasion, political corruption, and mobs that were manipulated and used by its Caesars, was a rampage against reason and freedom, leading to the Republic’s demise and transition to a centralized imperial authority under emperors.

America’s style and state of political decline and cultural degeneration differ in many ways from that of ancient Rome, but the big picture has striking similarities. Continue reading

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American workers – are YOU happy to pay $1,800 EACH to wipe the student debt of the privileged elite who’ll earn $52,000 a year?

That’s YOUR Bill for Desperate Joe’s Naked Bribe for Votes!

How better to win back their loyalty than with a good old-fashioned quid pro quo? Elect me and the gravy train keeps chugging along.

‘Congratulations! I erased your student loans. Now will you vote for me?’

That’s what President Biden should have said in an email to more than 800,000 student loan borrowers – because his latest scheme to ‘forgive’ some of their $1.78 trillion in outstanding debts is nothing more than a bribe.

‘Your student loan has been forgiven because of actions my Administration took to make sure you receive the relief you earned and deserve,’ read the White House message sent to in-boxes on Tuesday.

Gee – Democrats are so generous with other people’s money. Continue reading

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Every American who is celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday will have an uninvited guest at the dinner table.

A greedy guest who will help themselves to the entire Thanksgiving day feast with no regards to the family sitting around the table. This uninvited guest stealing the turkey and pie right off of your very plate is named inflation. Continue reading

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Elite Investor Jim Rogers Touts Gold and Silver Over Stocks and Real Estate – and warns Inflation Will Worsen and a Recession Is Looming

Jim Rogers (Sergei Savostyanov/TASS/Getty Images)

Jim Rogers expects gold and silver to outshine other assets during a period of historic inflation and widespread worry about a recession.

“If you’re in a world where prices are going higher, you want to own the things that are going higher in price,” the veteran investor told “The Julia La Roche Show” in a recent interview. Continue reading

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BRICS Currency ‘Almost Ready’, Will Be Much More Attractive Than US Dollar, Pound and Euro

A former Russian minister says a BRICS currency with unique attributes is nearly ready to launch.

In an interview with TV BRICS, Sergey Glazyev says that the currency itself is almost complete, but it still needs support from all leaders of the economic alliance.

According to Glazyev, some member nations have already thrown their weight behind the currency. Continue reading

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