19 Money Lessons From the Great Depression That Still Matter Today

Great Depression photo by Library of Congress

People love to say, “Times are different now.” Sure, technology has advanced, and we’re not waiting in bread lines, but human nature hasn’t changed.

Money mistakes today look a lot like money mistakes back then. People overspend, rack up debt, ignore risks, and assume good times will last forever.

The Great Depression taught a generation the hard way that financial security isn’t guaranteed. Continue reading

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If You Invested $10,000 in Gold 20 Years Ago…

Gold has been a sought-after prize since the beginning of recorded history. From the days of the ancient Mesopotamians to the 21st century, gold has been used for everything from jewelry to currency. And while gold is still prized for numerous industrial and cosmetic purposes, it’s also valued in the investment world. Continue reading

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Repricing US Gold Reserves Would Be Bullish for the Market, Signaling the Precious Metal Is Not a ‘Barbarous Relic

Much attention has been focused on US gold reserves in recent days, especially the stockpile in Fort Knox. While Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent dismissed the possibility of revaluing the stash of gold to market levels, an analyst said that would be bullish for prices, which have already been on a tear. Continue reading

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Snyder: Where Did All Of That Money Go?

Apparently our government cannot explain how 4.7 trillion dollars was spent. Are you kidding me? A stack of 4.7 trillion one dollar bills would reach all the way to the Moon and part of the way back. This is yet another example of why we desperately need the Department of Government Efficiency. Continue reading

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Musk Signals Looking Into Gold at Fort Knox

Auditing Fort Knox gold reserves is “several decades overdue,” says a sound money advocacy group executive.

Aurick Goldfinger

Tech billionaire Elon Musk indicated that Fort Knox, the Kentucky-based facility famous for storing U.S. gold reserves, could be investigated.

“Looking for the gold at Fort Knox,” Musk wrote on social media platform X on Feb. 18. “Who is confirming that gold wasn’t stolen from Fort Knox? Maybe it’s there, maybe it’s not. This gold is the property of the American people. I sure hope it’s still there!Continue reading

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Beware: The Ide(a)s of ‘Rare Coin’ Dealers

An Analysis of the ‘Rare-Coin’ Industry

February 19, 2025 – 01:25 a.m. (EST)

An expose’ of the Pirates of the precious-metals underworld and how you can truly protect your ass-ets – from them!

Con Bob the Pirate

While there’s no guarantee on any investment, it is clear we have entered a period of great economic uncertainty. In recent economic news, several banks and major financial institutions have filed for bankruptcy leading our country into what is likely a recession period. The US dollar is losing significant value caused in part by monetary inflation, overspending, and fading market confidence. Some economists speculate that the US will consider a centrally controlled, government issued, cryptocurrency as a means to promote Modern Monetary Theory.

Throughout history, as fiat currencies have come gone, gold has stood the test of time again and again, and there’s reason why… Give Gold a Look in These Uncertain Times

Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht

Always and again the magic of money presents us with problems. These problems change constantly. Time after time experience teaches us that there is no universally-valid system by means of which monetary problems may be solved. Every new situation demands new deliberations, new measures, new insights, new ideas. Each of these ideas must be informed by and subservient to the sole and single purpose of maintaining the soundness of the currency. ~ Hjalmar Schacht

Seeking out the most efficient and most secure route to owning gold, and converting it into widely-accepted currency, is the next best thing to enjoying gold-backed currency. In a world of central bankers hell-bent on devaluing your savings you need your own private gold standard.
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The Fed Has Stopped PRETENDING that Price Inflation Is Going Away

At its September 2024 meeting, the Fed’s FOMC cut the target federal funds rate by a historically large 50 basis points and then justified this cut on the grounds that “The Committee has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent, and judges that the risks to achieving its employment and inflation goals are roughly in balance.”

The FOMC again cut the target rate in November and then again in December. Each time, the FOMC’s official statement said something to the effect of “[price] inflation is headed to two percent. Specifically, the November statement said “[Price inflation] has made progress toward the Committee’s 2 percent objective.” The December statement said exactly the same thing. Continue reading

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Paper Money and the Fed Have Destroyed the Penny and the Rest of Our Money

President Trump has ordered the U.S. Mint to stop producing pennies. The reason is that it’s too costly to produce them. It costs the Mint nearly four cents to produce one penny.

The penny phenomenon is good example of what the federal government — and, specifically, the Federal Reserve — has done to our money.

Ever since the Fed and a paper-money system were established in 1913 and the 1930s, the Fed has destroyed the value and stability of American money. Continue reading

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The Mine or the Shaft ~ February 11, 2025 ~ Where Does Our Money GO???

Musk Says FEMA Spent $59 Million Last Week on Housing Illegal Immigrants in NYC Hotels

Down de Shittah – Das Whey it Go!

The U.S. Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has found that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) spent $59 million last week on continuing to house illegal immigrants in luxury hotels in New York City, according to Elon Musk.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose state has already launched a lawsuit against FEMA for reports of political discrimination, shared Musk’s post, saying this funding was “probably just scratching the surface of the mismanagement/corruption that has become so commonplace.”… (Continue to full article)

Thieves Set Their Sights On Eggs As Prices Skyrocket
Egg theft is becoming the new heist, as thieves set their sights on breakfast foods because of the massive spike in prices. The bird flu outbreak and authorities’ insistence on culling millions of birds are not only slowing the spread of the virus, but they are also jacking up the cost of eggs and poultry meat in the United States.

A new surveillance video shows two suspects loading hundreds of dollars worth of eggs and other breakfast foods into a white van before fleeing the scene. The burglary happened at Luna Park Café in Seattle. The thieves stole one hundred thousand eggs, worth approximately $40,000, at Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs facility.

In just the last month, more than 20 million birds have been impacted by bird flu across the country. “Impacted by” means killed or looked at another bird that was determined to have avian influenza… (Continue to full article)

What About the Price of Beef?
In September 2023, we looked at the high price of beef and how big government has been bad for the American family budget. With stock indexes even higher, the situation for beef consumers is even worse.

In the US, the price of hamburger meat ended last year near a record high of $5.60 per pound. Just 5 years earlier – prior to covid – it was $3.88 per pound. From the early 1980s to 2000, hamburger meat averaged $1.50 per pound. That means that over that 40+-year period, hamburger meat is four times as expensive.

While that seems like a big increase – and it is – the rate of increase is only slightly higher than what the government claims has been the increase in consumer prices in general over the entire period as measured by their Consumer Price Index or CPI. So, beef has been a fairly accurate barometer of the impact of government and Federal Reserve policies undermining the household economy.

The US beef industry is in the midst of one of its largest two-year declines in beef production. This will have significant ramifications for everyone from consumers to cattle producers. Consumers will face higher retail prices than they did in 2023… (Continue to full article)

11 Random Facts That Show That America Is Rotting And Decaying Right In Front Of Our Eyes
We are in far more trouble than most people realize. Fentanyl and other drugs are ravaging our cities, and homelessness, poverty and hunger are rapidly growing all around us. Meanwhile, our federal government, our state governments, and our local governments are drowning in debt, and economic conditions are steadily deteriorating.

Corruption is rampant, incompetence is seemingly everywhere, and the moral decay of our society is accelerating. Unfortunately, much of the population is completely oblivious to what is going on because they are deeply addicted to the electronic gadgets that they are constantly staring at. The following are 11 random facts that show that America is rotting right in front of our eyes…

The U.S. national debt was sitting at about 10 trillion dollars when Barack Obama first entered the White House. Today, it is sitting at 36.2 trillion dollars… (Continue to full article)

That Was the Week That Was: May 25, 2002

Just a few words from out of the PAST…

Fears continue to grow about a massive oil shortage – don’t bet on it – they’ll just raise the price – and we’ll get pumped once more. The U.S. stock markets took it in the shorts as Merrill got Lynched to the tune of one hundred (million) large ones for having allowed their brokers to lie, cheat and steal from their clients! Oops! – their bottom line just took in the butt. …. And we’re afraid that this is just the tip of the cigar iceberg! Watch out – Aetna might just gatcha!

The U.S. dollar is going to get another face lift (oh goody – last time they gave each of our leaders new coiffs and makeovers) – new colorizations (call Ted Turner). This leads to the question – demonitization! Speculation abounds. We’ll keep our eyes on this one.

Nasdaq poised to smash post-9/11 lows, unleashing one of the worst selling panics since 1929!

Argentina’s banking customers assets have been frozen by ‘the State’. Japan is in a financial spiral and foreign investments in U.S. Securities are down 75% from a year ago. U.S. investors paper (read Wall St.) investments dumped and gold rose to above $320.00 per ounce. It’s moving upward now – but there’s still time to take advantage of relatively low prices – before the economic collapse of Alan Greenscam. Call Kettle Moraine (602-799-8214) for your personal financial consultation if you feel the time is here to secure your bankroll (or what little may be left of it.) Don’t wait for the saved by the bell phone call from your Broker – for it’s you who will be broker!

So interesting to go back in time – MAN – and you didn’t buy gold THEN? – DAMN – it’s TEN X as much Now!!! (Continue to full article)

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Is It the Money or… Is It the People?

What’s Responsible for Third World Economic Problems: The Monetary System or Dishonesty?

In a video of Jayant Bhandari at a Hans Hoppe conference – Property and Freedom Society (2024) – titled “Understanding India.” To summarize, he mentioned a number of cultural ideologies and mindsets he experienced in India which were totally different to what he experienced when he first came to the Western world. The contrast was so great that he had a culture shock when he came to the West and he did not know how to react.

When listening to the video, however, I kept thinking, “Surely, he is talking about Africa! He must mean Nigeria, Kenya, Zimbabwe, right?” I double-checked the title of the video to verify that he was, in fact, talking about India. What struck me, particularly as an African, was how many similarities there seemed to be between the cultural ideologies and thinking of the two regions. Here is a summary of some of the traits… Continue reading

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