Silver to Beat Gold in 2025 – Saxo Bank’s Hansen

Diversified commodity exposure should continue to perform well in 2025 as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. Specifically, gold and silver are expected to outperform the sector.

Despite the bullish outlook in his 2025 forecast, Ole Hansen, Head of Commodity Strategy at Saxo Bank, recommended that investors be discerning as they build a commodity basket within their portfolios. Gold and silver remain two of his top picks after their historic runs in 2024. Continue reading

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Father Guido Sarducci Explains Inflation

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Snyder: The Truth About America’s Crumbling Infrastructure

Signs that we were once a truly great nation are all around us. Previous generations of Americans handed us the keys to the most magnificent domestic infrastructure that the world had ever seen, but now it is literally falling apart all around us. Thousands of bridges are structurally deficient and there have already been some very high profile collapses. Hundreds of thousands of miles of highways and roads in the United States are in very poor shape. Aging sewer systems are leaking raw sewage all over the place, and children are being slowly poisoned by lead pipes that desperately need to be replaced. The power grid is hopelessly overloaded and is extremely vulnerable.

Meanwhile, our ports, our dams, our subway systems, our bus terminals and our airports are crumbling right in front of our eyes. The truth is that our nation’s infrastructure says a lot about who we are.

So what does America’s crumbling infrastructure say about us? Sadly, it says that we are a rusting, crumbling, decaying leftover from a better, more prosperous time. Continue reading

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Roger Babson’s Ten Commandments For Investing

Some friends and I were discussing Roger Babson earlier today. Several of us have a feeling that the markets may be approaching a critical juncture, and we were wondering how that might express itself, given today’s Fed and government activism as opposed to the more ad hoc to stabilizing markets in Babson’s day.

As you may recall he was an MIT trained engineer who became a famous stock market analyst and financial theorist. I have acknowledged in the past that my own particular style of charting was in part inspired by his approaches to force and resistance. He never really codified his techniques, so they are not all that well understood. But he used them to some great personal advantage. Continue reading

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Schiff: Two Weeks Before Leaving Office, Biden F*!Ks America Again

But the Fiat has collapsed anyway…

The year was 1901, and it was pretty much a who’s who of American business and finance at the time. Andrew Carnegie. JP Morgan. Charles M. Schwab. Elbert Gary (namesake of the city Gary, Indiana).

It would be as if Elon Musk, Billy Gates, and Carl Icahn all got together on a new venture. It would be pretty much guaranteed to be a big deal.

Those early 20th century titans formed what would become the world’s largest and most important company in that era – US Steel. Continue reading

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Thanks To Years Of Inflation, The Price Of Breakfast In America Is Now Obscene

They have officially ruined breakfast. Once upon a time, breakfast was the least expensive meal of the day, but now everything has changed. Eggs, butter and coffee have all become extremely expensive, and there is no relief in sight in 2025. When I went to the grocery store on Friday, I spent about 45 dollars for just nine tubs of butter. I could hardly believe my eyes, but after doing some digging I discovered that five dollars for a pound of butter is very close to the national average at this stage.

Of course in some areas it is even more expensive. During an exchange on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program, Joe Scarborough was astounded to learn that the price of butter has reached 7 dollars in some stores in his area… Continue reading

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Happy New Year: A Toast to 50 Years of Legalized Gold

Gold enthusiasts can celebrate a golden anniversary on New Year’s Eve and simultaneously mark a market manipulation milestone. Fifty years ago, President Gerald R. Ford legalized private gold ownership, allowing Americans once again to stack the regal metal as a wealth-preserving asset and safe haven against monetary inflation and dollar depreciation. Gold futures trading and market meddling also began in the United States a half-century ago. Continue reading

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Snyder: 21 Quotes About Central Banking That Show Why The Federal Reserve Must Be Shut Down

We have come to accept that we are permanently trapped in an endless cycle of debt and money creation. But the only reason why debt and money grow at an exponential rate is because that is what our system was designed to do. The Federal Reserve and other central banks around the globe were created with a purpose.

The goal was to get humanity into as much debt as possible, and those holding that debt just keep getting wealthier and wealthier. Unfortunately, we have been trained to not even question this deeply insidious arrangement. Continue reading

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Rand Paul Releases Annual ‘Festivus’ List of Wasteful Government Spending

This included $4.8 million on influencers, $2.1 million for Paraguayan border security, a $12 million Las Vegas pickleball complex, and $32,596 on breakdancing.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) at a Senate hearing regarding the coronavirus in Washington on March 3, 2020. Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) released on Dec. 24 his annual “Festivus” list of wasteful government spending in the past year.

Festivus” is a reference from the iconic TV show “Seinfeld” where the late Jerry Stiller celebrated a holiday of grievances during the Christmas season. Continue reading

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Economic Crisis: Americans Are Unprepared for the Coming Collapse

Time is running out…

The signs of an impending economic collapse are everywhere, yet the government continues to paint a rosy picture of prosperity. The truth, however, is far grimmer than official reports would have us believe. The data doesn’t lie, and the numbers reveal an economy teetering on the edge of disaster. The American people have been misled, and the consequences of this deception will be catastrophic.

The economy is on the brink of collapse, with job market declines, retail sector struggles, and surging inflation, despite government claims of prosperity.

Job openings have plummeted, particularly in healthcare, government, and manufacturing, with 78,000 manufacturing jobs lost in the last three months and 85,000 in the past six months. Continue reading

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