King Andrew and the Bank

Andrew Jackson stares down the national bank and wins.

“Jackson Slaying the Many-Headed Monster,” 1828. Private collection, Peter Newark American Pictures / Bridgeman Art Library

On July l0, 1832, President Andrew Jackson sent a message to the United States Senate. He returned unsigned, with his objections, a bill that extended the charter of the Second Bank of the United States, due to expire in 1836, for another fifteen years. As Jackson drily noted, the bill was presented to him on the Fourth of July, a day freighted with portent.

Today Jackson’s Bank Veto and the political conflagration known as the “Bank War” that it touched off seem arcane and nearly incomprehensible. While misdeeds among the rich and powerful still garner headlines and incite congressional inquiries, the core instruments of our economic system-the network of banks capped by the Federal Reserve; the corporate form of business enterprise; the very dollars in our wallets, issued and guaranteed by the federal government – are utterly taken for granted. That these could have been the subject of controversy, that anyone could seriously contemplate organizing American capitalism differently, seems nearly unthinkable. Andrew Jackson is recalled today, when recalled at all, for other things, primarily as the architect of forced Indian removal. His face on the $20 bill is a mystery to many, an outrage to some, and, to the knowing, a curious irony. (Continue Reading…)

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Hayworth: Congress Must Block Biden-IRS Tax Prep Plan

Ronald Reagan managed to make the ominous sound humorous.

He famously noted, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’”

Reagan may have played it for laughs, but Joe Biden and his bunch hope to use it to take more of your hard-earned money — and procure even more political power.

The Internal Revenue Service — the same bureaucratic entity in the process of adding 87,000 new agents — also plans to expand its duties into the realm of tax preparation.

You read that right. Continue reading

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Recession? Calm Before The Financial Storm?

Is a recession coming? Is this the calm before the storm? JPMorgan Asset Management Global Head of Fixed Income Bob Michele said that today’s economic climate calls to mind the lull seen in the 2008 financial crisis.

Michele, who manages more than $700 billion worth of assets for JPMorgan, thinks the current financial situation is pretty deceptive. In an interview, he said: “This does remind me an awful lot of that March-to-June period in 2008.”

A recession has been brewing for much of the year. The recent resurgence in the stock market following climbing interest rates and high-profile bank failures is being interpreted by some financial experts as a sign that a recession could be just around the corner. The coming months’ data could end up showing that we are now in that “calm before the storm” phase. Continue reading

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More Federal Debt Means More Taxes, Less Growth, and Weaker Real Wages

Since 1960, Congress has raised the debt ceiling 78 times, according to Bloomberg. The process of increasing the debt limit has become so regular that markets barely worry about it. Furthermore, as the 2011 debt ceiling crisis showed, the impact on asset prices happened mostly in emerging economies. In 2011, Turkish and Indian debt were the most negatively impacted, while Treasuries rose. Continue reading

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Sound Money Is Required for Real Budget Discipline

News here in the USA has been full of the latest farce known as raising or not raising the debt ceiling. After the usual dog-and-pony show, a budget deal was reached. But was it progress? It was a foregone conclusion that the debt ceiling would be raised, yet again, for the simple mathematical reason that unless the budget is cut, via spending cuts or increases in taxes, it can do nothing else. Continue reading

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The Economics of Scrunched Up Cash

Some say the free market can’t be trusted to handle money, but the truth is exactly the opposite. It’s the government that creates problems with money.

As I was going through my wallet the other day I came across a bill that was rather folded and scrunched up. If you are older than 20, you can probably relate. It had obviously changed hands countless times in its life. Somewhere along the way someone must have hastily shoved it into their wallet, giving it creases that remain to this day. Ever since it has been a bother for whoever holds it, decrepit, annoying, and inconvenient.

My first reaction upon discovering this bill was the same as every other person who has ever faced this problem: I need to find an excuse to spend this. If only I could spend it, I thought to myself, then I could get rid of it without taking a loss. Continue reading

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Social Security ~ It’s YOUR Money – NOT Theirs!

A woman, or man dies at age 65 before collecting one benefit check. She/He and her employer paid into the system for almost 50 years and she collected NOTHING!

Keep in mind all the working people that die every year who were paying into the system and got nothing.

And these governmental morons mismanaged the money and stole from the system, so that it’s now going broke… Continue reading

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The Civil War Gold Hoax

The hoax’s never seem to end…

Gold speculators in New York. (image from Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, May 7, 1964)

It was May, 1864. Grant was closing in on Lee in Virginia. New Yorkers were growing hopeful that the long, terrible ordeal of the Civil War would soon be over.

But their hopes were dashed when on Wednesday, May 18 they read in two of their morning papers, the New York World and the Journal of Commerce, that President Lincoln had issued a proclamation ordering the conscription of an additional 400,000 men into the Union army on account of “the situation in Virginia, the disaster at Red River, the delay at Charleston, and the general state of the country.”

The implication of the proclamation was clear. Evidently the war was not going as well as had been hoped. This raised the possibility that the conflict might drag on for years to come, putting further strains on the nation’s economy and manpower. In reaction to this news, share prices on the New York Stock Exchange plummeted, while gold, considered to be a safe, inflation-proof investment, immediately rose in value. (Continue…)

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Smith: America’s Real Wealth Destroyed or Stolen by Bad Economic Practices

So little time do we have left here on earth and so much is left for us to do.

So little time do we have left…

Our nation is in deep shit, and much of it can be traced back to poor morals taught in our homes since the 60s, but it isn’t all to be blamed on the people. The money-changers and monied interests on Wall Street have run one financial scam on the people after another through the whores of the Federal Reserve Bank that has been manufacturing massive economic Bubbles and Busts as a means to steal the wealth of all Americans while enriching themselves. We witnessed the first one in 1929, a mere sixteen years after the federal centralize bank returned to the scene and a group of private bankers was put in charge of our currency and our economy.

Who could have really thought this was good for the average American? Nobody with the sense God gave a goose. President Andrew Jackson knew, and he sent the centralized bank packing with its tail between its legs. The Federal Reserve Bank serves itself first, its criminal cronies and cohorts second, and the American people last. Continue reading

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Double Eagle Headlines: May 23, 2023


McCarthy says there’s STILL no Biden debt limit deal – but ‘I believe we can get it done’
Speaker insists there has FINALLY been progress with just 10 days to strike a deal and avoid a catastrophic default.

Biden said he and Speaker Kevin McCarthy spoke about reaching ‘bipartisan agreement’ on a budget standoff that has the nation facing potential default within days – but they announced crossing no major milestones to get them there.

Biden said it was ‘pretty well divided in the House’ and ‘not different in the Senate’ and called to ‘get something we can sell to both sides’ – a statement about the legislative mechanics that will be required to move any deal through Congress… (Continue to full article)

Veterans benefits, Social Security and Medicare payments, and SNAP could be among the first federal programs at risk if the US defaults in 10 days
Last week, the think-tank Bipartisan Policy Center published an analysis on the federal programs that would be at risk in the first days and months following a default on the nation’s debt. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy that the US could run out of money to pay its bills as soon as June 1 , but even with the severe time crunch, McCarthy and President Joe Biden have yet to reach an agreement on raising the debt ceiling before that deadline.

The US has never defaulted on its debt, so no one can say with certainty what will happen once the government can no longer afford its spending obligations. But the Bipartisan Policy Center used daily Treasury statements, which it said are “subject to significant uncertainty and variability of cash flows,” to estimate which federal programs could be among the first at risk in the event of a default.

In the first ten days of June, the government could be unable to afford the following programs… (Continue to full article)

Who Can Take Your Money – with a Twinkle in Your Eye?

‘Oy Vey’ – The Looting Bankers

JPMorgan Is Freezing Customer Bank Accounts in New Scandal
Republican attorneys general from 19 states say the bank is “persistently” discriminating against its own clients and closing bank accounts without warning.

The law enforcement officials, led by Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, sent a letter to JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon stating that the banking giant’s practices go against the company’s own policies on equality, per Business Insider.

The letter, which has now been published by the Wall Street Journal, states that JPMorgan has repeatedly discriminated against customers based on their religious or political beliefs… (Continue to full article)

Social Security Beneficiaries Have Lost 36% of Their Buying Power Since 2000
Many seniors rely heavily on Social Security to cover their expenses in retirement. Granted, some people manage to kick off their senior years with savings and have investments that pay them continuously during their 70s, 80s, and beyond. But for a lot of people, Social Security is really their only source of income. And it’s seniors in this boat who have been getting hurt financially for several decades and counting.

The reason? New data from the nonpartisan Senior Citizens League reveals that Social Security recipients have lost an astounding 36% of their buying power since 2000. What’s particularly surprising about that figure is that it’s coming on the heels of the program’s most generous cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to come down the pike in decades.

At the start of 2023, seniors on Social Security saw their monthly benefits increase by 8.7%. In spite of that, long-term Social Security recipients have lost a ton of buying power over the past 23 years. And that trend is, unfortunately, likely to just continue unless lawmakers take action… (Continue to full article)

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