Thomas Paine on Paper Money

I remember a German farmer expressing as much in a few words as the whole subject requires; “money is money, and paper is paper.”

All the invention of man cannot make them otherwise. The alchemist may cease his labors, and the hunter after the philosopher’s stone go to rest, if paper can be metamorphosed into gold and silver, or made to answer the same purpose in all cases.

Gold and silver are the emissions of nature: paper is the emission of art. The value of gold and silver is ascertained by the quantity which nature has made in the earth. We cannot make that quantity more or less than it is, and therefore the value being dependent upon the quantity, depends not on man. Man has no share in making gold or silver; all that his labors and ingenuity can accomplish is, to collect it from the mine, refine it for use and give it an impression, or stamp it into coin. (Continue to full warnings…)

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We’ve Become A Nation Of Takers, Not Makers

“C’mon T.C. – let’s git the gold out their teeth!”

April 11, 2011 ~ More Americans work for the government than in manufacturing, farming, fishing, forestry, mining and utilities combined.

If you want to understand better why so many states – from New York to Wisconsin to California – are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, consider this depressing statistic: Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million). Continue reading

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Borrowing From Peter to Pay Paul…

…The Wall Street Ponzi Scheme Called Fractional Reserve Banking

He Madeoff with da Monee!

December 12, 2019 ~ Bernie Madoff showed us how it was done: you induce many investors to invest their money, promising steady above-market returns; and you deliver – at least on paper. When your clients check their accounts, they see that their investments have indeed increased by the promised amount. Anyone who opts to pull out of the game is paid promptly and in full. You can afford to pay because most players stay in, and new players are constantly coming in to replace those who drop out. The players who drop out are simply paid with the money coming in from new recruits. The scheme works until the market turns and many players want their money back at once. Then it’s game over: you have to admit that you don’t have the funds, and you are probably looking at jail time. Continue reading

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Welcome to the Asylum

May 1, 2012 ~ When civilizations start to die they go insane. Let the ice sheets in the Arctic melt. Let the temperatures rise. Let the air, soil and water be poisoned. Let the forests die. Let the seas be emptied of life. Let one useless war after another be waged. Let the masses be thrust into extreme poverty and left without jobs while the elites, drunk on hedonism, accumulate vast fortunes through exploitation, speculation, fraud and theft.

Reality, at the end, gets unplugged. We live in an age when news consists of Snooki’s pregnancy, Hulk Hogan’s sex tape and Kim Kardashian’s denial that she is the naked woman cooking eggs in a photo circulating on the Internet. Politicians, including presidents, appear on late night comedy shows to do gags and they campaign on issues such as creating a moon colony. “At times when the page is turning,” Louis-Ferdinand Celine wrote in “Castle to Castle,” “when History brings all the nuts together, opens its Epic Dance Halls! hats and heads in the whirlwind! Panties overboard!” Continue reading

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Hanus: The Importance of Owning Precious Metals

December 16, 2013 ~ I’ve talked to a lot of people about why it’s important to own gold and silver, yet I find that most people don’t fully grasp why. Many of the opponents to owning precious metals for preparedness reasons often cite that because they can’t eat it, it’s worthless as a prep.

First, let me just get it out there that I don’t advocate buying precious metals if you aren’t prepared in the other areas, namely food, water, cooking, shelter, defense and so on. Gold and silver aren’t going to do much for you if you’re not prepared to meet the basic needs of your family during a disaster or crisis event. Continue reading

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WOW!!! I’M SORRY The Fed Gives A Giant ‘Phuock You’ to Working Class Americans!!

bird-flipping-innovationsMarch 14, 2015 ~ I was shocked today by the absolute gaul of the Fed releasing a statement about Net Worth in America reaching record levels. Now I get that they are under extreme pressure to sell the story that everything is rainbows and butterflies. But surely they understand that working class Americans are going along with the story because they really don’t have any say in our nation’s policies anymore. That doesn’t mean they want it thrown in their faces that the Fed has spent 6 years now inflating the wealth of the top 10% so much that it actually lifts the total wealth of the nation’s citizens to record highs. Continue reading

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The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar

President Roosevelt signs the Banking Act of 1933. In the Banking Act of 1933, Congress established the name and legal structure of the FOMC as a formal committee of all 12 Reserve Banks

To advocate the complete, uninhibited gold standard runs the risk, in this day and age, of being classified with the dodo bird. When the Roosevelt administration took us off the gold standard in 1933, the bulk of the nation’s economists opposed the move and advocated its speedy restoration. Now gold is considered an absurd anachronism, a relic of a tribal fetish. Gold indeed still retains a certain respectability in international trade; as the pre-eminent international money gold as a medium of foreign trade can command support. But while foreign trade is important, I would rather choose the far more difficult domestic battleground, and argue for a genuine gold standard at home as well as abroad. Continue reading

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Here Is What Happens When You Withdraw Over $10,000 From Your Bank Account

If you’re thinking about withdrawing $10,000 in cash from your checking account to play blackjack during your week-long trip to Las Vegas, you might want to know what happens when you do.

The Bank Secrecy Act was passed by Congress in 1970 to fight money laundering in the U.S. Under the Act, financial institutions are required to report cash transactions over $10,000. Continue reading

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JPMorgan Chase: Consumers’ Financial Situations Continue to Worsen!

The savings nest eggs that people built up during the COVID-19 pandemic are all but gone, according to new research from the JPMorgan Chase Institute. As savings dwindle, consumers are becoming more vulnerable to financial shocks, which could lead to lower spending and higher debt defaults. Continue reading

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~ Gold & Silver in Five Easy Lessons ~

1. Don’t buy it because you need to make money; buy it because you need to protect the money you already have.

2. Don’t look at price as a barrier; look at it as an incentive.

3. Don’t buy its paper pretenders; buy the real thing in the form of coins and bullion.

4. Don’t fall prey to glitzy TV ads; do your due diligence instead.

5. Don’t allow naysayers to divert your interest; allow yourself the right to protect your interests as you see fit.

Bullion gold coins will always have value to your fellow Americans, while paper dollars have less and less. As the dollar declines, the price of gold and silver will continue to rise, reflecting the stable purchasing power of the precious metals. What’s more, in a volatile environment, bullion will carry a premium for being reliable and widely accepted money – just as the US dollar does now.

Bullion coins are easy to sell anywhere in the world. And even better, you can barter them locally for the stuff you need – food, clothes, a roof over your head – even if the other guy isn’t a coin enthusiast. In other words, bullion is money.

One of the characteristics that makes gold and silver money is their uniformity – meaning each coin is the same as every other coin of the same weight. Continue reading

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